Monday, 26 April 2010

Rough Cuts And Feedback


I summed up the main points made from my feedback, and bullet pointed them below.

Front cover

More stories

Change strapline 'borderline indie'

Cant make out logo 'Up'

Move 'Influential woman special' Doesnt stand out and isnt clear.

This feedback helped me as i wouldnt have thought of the 'Up' logo no being visible as i knewit was there, so this helped me to see what other people think about my Front cover. Also the advice to change my strapline was very useful as its more obvious to the reader and 'borderline indie/pop' isnt a very well known genre of music so it would most likely put people off buying my magazine.

Contents page

More stories needed

'Influential woman' too long, looks out of place

More page numbers needed and also on images

This infomation helped me to improve my contents page as i didnt realise i hadnt put a page number on one of my insert pictures until soeone pointed this out to me. I changed the positioning of 'Influential woman' as it looked out of place. And i also added more stories to the page to make it look more full.

Double Page Spread

Article needs to be longer

Page numbers

Name of magazine could be mentioned

Looks very 'spacey'

Other people reading my article helped me to identify mistakes i hadnt noticed, such as capital letters needed. this helped make my magazine look more real. Also a piece of infomation i found the most helpful was that as its a double page spread, the center line will be down the middle and since my article was in the middle of the page, it wouldnt be readable so i decided to move it to the left handside of the page and put the two images of the subjects next to each other on the right handside. This solves the problem of not being able to read the article and it also solves the problem of it looking 'spacey.'

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